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Lawrence Seguin
Lawrence Seguin
I used FinnishPod101 Premium. I am a linguist by profession and have always been fascinated by languages. Finnish first piqued my curiosity back in my teens (I’m 66 now), but the only book available made learning it very complicated. I have a Finnish colleague, and I have a very close friend who is now studying in Finland (Joensuu), so out of solidarity with him I decided I’d try to learn Finnish.

I started with Duolingo but finished it and, realizing I’d only touched the surface, I decided to try the FinnishPod101 Premium plan. I’m learning lots of new and interesting twists of the language that I find very satisfying. Kiitos!

Taher Maroufian
Taher Maroufian
Kiiitos & thank you.
Thomas Darnell
Thomas Darnell
Found FinnishPod101 after meeting a girl from Finland online. She speaks English, but I wanted to be able to talk to her in her native language as well.

It’s only been a couple of months but I’m already able to have small conversations with her in Finnish. She has been amazed at my pronunciation, which the detailed audio from the site has helped with. We have both been impressed with my progress as well.

This is easily one of the best (if not THE best) language learning courses I’ve used.

I highly recommend it to anyone looking to learn a new language!

Katarzyna Serafin
Katarzyna Serafin
I can learn a language (Finnish) that is REALLY in use, not only in books, that’s why FinnishPod101 is so cool.
Mariam Soliman
Mariam Soliman
It’s an excellent website to learn finnish.
Anyanwu Maryann
Anyanwu Maryann
nimeni on Maryann.
Olen kotoisin Nigeriassa.

I enjoy speaking Finnish at least at the beginner’s stage. I know basics like greetings, family, introduction, months, weeks, numbers, parts of the body.

Am proud using FinnishPod101 so recommend it for everyone.

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