
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Series Introduction
Tiina: Hi everyone, A here, and welcome back to Basic Bootcamp Lesson 2: Talking Nationality in Finnish. This is the second in a five-part series that will help you ease your way into Finnish.
Reeta: Hei, minä olen B. I’m B!
Lesson Details
Reeta: In this lesson, you will learn how to introduce yourself and tell people where you are from.
Tiina: Which is essential while traveling to Finland, because that will be the first question people will probably want to ask you.
Reeta: Whether you’re in a language class, in a new country, or in your own city, in our small world, you can always find someone from somewhere else.
Tiina: And in this bootcamp, we’ll be talking about ethnicity.
Reeta: We’ll also go over one of the easy building blocks of learning Finnish: word order.
Tiina: So have a listen to these Finnish students talk about where they are from. And while you’re listening, try to guess their ethnicities.
Reeta: And I’ll give you a hint. The first part of the words for nationalities are transliterations.
Tiina: So, if you do some mental gymnastics, you might be able to guess the nationality.
Reeta: Hei. minun nimeni on Mikko. Olen suomalainen.
Tiina: Hei, minun nimeni on Mari. Olen brittiläinen.
Reeta: Let’s hear it slowly now.
Tiina: Nyt kuunnellaan sama hitaasti.
Reeta: Hei. minun nimeni on Mikko. Olen suomalainen.
Tiina: Hei, minun nimeni on Mari. Olen brittiläinen.
Reeta: And now with the translation.
Tiina: Ja nyt käännös!
Tiina: Hei. minun nimeni on Mikko. Olen suomalainen.
Tiina: Hello. My name is A. I’m Finn.
Reeta: Hei, minun nimeni on Mari. Olen brittiläinen.
Reeta: Hello, I'm B. I'm British.
Reeta: One of the most fun things about Finnish is that it is used all over the world!
Banter - Same as the cultural insight (12 lines)
Tiina: Finland is maybe more famous as Finns like to think.
Reeta: Of course, Finland is a popular vacation desTiination.
Tiina: While people interested in Nordic countries and Finland will want to study one of the most particular languages in the world.
Reeta: Right, Finnish is spoken only by less than 6 million people. Since then Finnish has been influenced by German and Swedish languages there might be some vocabulary you can figure out if you know some of those two languages.
Tiina: Of course, and nothing beats being able to order delicious food using only Finnish.
Reeta: Or going hiking and being able to interact with the people you meet on your way.
Tiina: It’s a truly wonderful experience and worth all the hours of study.
Reeta: The fact that it is becoming more and more of an international desTiination makes it even more exciting to learn.
Tiina: Yes, I kind of what to start all over again!
Tiina: Okay, now, let’s take a look at the words we used in these phrases so all our learners will be able to share where they are from.
Vocabulary: Take these words from the Vocabulary table in the write up.
Reeta: The first word we shall see is:
Tiina: suomalainen
Tiina: suomalainen
Reeta: The next word is.
Tiina: Minä olen
Reeta: “I am”,
Tiina: Minä olen (slowly)
Tiina: Minä olen
Reeta: Next we have.
Tiina: brittiläinen
Reeta: British
Tiina: brittiläinen (slowly)
Tiina: brittiläinen
Reeta: And then we have.
Tiina: minun
Reeta: My
Tiina: minun(slowly)
Reeta: minun
Reeta: And finally we have.
Tiina: nimi
Reeta: name
Tiina: nimi (slowly)
Reeta: nimi
Vocabulary Usage (25-26 lines)
Reeta: Cool, we already learned the greeting Hei in Boot Camp One.
Tiina: And the Minun nimeni on Mikko.
Reeta: Right, “My name is….” minun nimeni on.
Tiina: Now before you say your nationality, you need one phrase. It is extremely important and you will use it all the time.
Reeta: Minä olen
Tiina: That’s right. The phrase means “I am” in English. It is pretty straight forward. Let’s hear it one time, slowly.
Reeta: Minä olen
TIINA: And one more time fast?
Reeta: Minä olen
Tiina: So in the dialogue, we heard the speaker say Minä olen and then the word
Reeta: suomalainen
Tiina: Which would translate as “I am Finnish.”
Reeta: That’s right.
Tiina: So altogether that’s
Reeta: Minä olen suomalainen.
Tiina: Listeners, listen and repeate
Reeta: Minä olen suomalainen.
Tiina: So what was the other nationality we heard in the dialogue?
Reeta: Brittiläinen
Tiina: Hmm. that sounds a lot like British
Reeta: That’s right, A. It comes directly from the English word for … “British”!
Tiina: That should be easy to remember! Listeners, listen and repeat the phrase.
Reeta: Minä olen brittiläinen
Tiina: Notice the Minä olen didn’t change. Just the word for a British person. In this case, brittiläinen.
Reeta: Sounds easy, but let’s move on to the Grammar section
Tiina: Good idea!
Grammar Section
Tiina: Ok, the focus of this lesson is Nationality in Finnish.
Reeta: That’s right. We’ve learned how to say “I am Finnish” or “I am British”.
Tiina: Right, the main phrase here is “minä olen”.
Reeta: Minä olen, is a phrase you will use more often than you’ll be able to count.
Tiina: The easy thing about Fininsh is that it is a very straight forward language and there are few times when you have to change a basic phrase or word to make it intelligible to Finns.
Reeta: Minä olen, can be used in any situation you would be used to say “I am” in English.
Tiina: I am from Italy.
Reeta: Minä olen Italiasta.
Tiina: You can also use it for phrases like “I am tired.”
Reeta: Minä olen väsynyt.
Tiina: But let’s concentrate on Nationalities now.
Reeta: While the name of each country in the world has its own spelling in Finnish, the difference from English is not that large.
Tiina: So, let’s take this word and boot camp it up a little…what do you say?
Reeta: I’m not sure what "boot camp it up" really means, but I guess we’re going to find out.
Tiina: We’re going to list a number of nationalities.
Listeners, try to follow along and catch the nationality before we say the English name.
Tiina: Okay, let’s start.
Reeta: suomalainen.
Reeta: amerikkalainen.
Tiina: American.
Reeta: brittiläinen.
Tiina: British.
Reeta: japanilainen
Tiina: Japanese.
Reeta: kiinalainen
Tiina: Chinese.
Reeta: ranskalainen
Tiina: French
Reeta: italialainen
Tiina: Italian.
Reeta: espanjalainen.
Tiina: Spanish.
Tiina: Listeners, did you catch all of them?
Reeta: If you didn’t then just jump back and go over them again til you get it.
Tiina: Yes, and when using them, remember “I am.”
Reeta: Minä olen
Tiina: Okay, let’s recap. Listeners, how do you say, “I’m Finnish”?
Reeta: {Pause} Minä olen suomalainen
Tiina: And what about if you’re a British?
Reeta: (Pause) Minä olen brittiläinen.
Tiina: Great. Now, listeners, try to make some simple sentences with your own nationality.
Tiina: Have some fun!
Reeta: You’ll find more of them in the lesson notes that accompany this lesson.
Tiina: So, we hope everybody isn’t too tired after this boot camp!
Reeta: Yeah! I think we’re pretty nice boot camp instructors. We don’t like, yell at the listeners or anything like the boot camps I’ve seen.
Tiina: So keep practicing and you’ll have these down pat in no time.
Tiina: That’s it for this lesson.
Reeta: Thanks for listening. Bye (in Finnish)
Tiina: See you!

