
Vocabulary (Review)

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Becky: Hi everyone, I’m Becky.
Päivi: And I’m Päivi!
Becky: And welcome to Culture Class: Essential Finnish Vocabulary, Lesson 5! In this lesson, we’re continuing to learn about Finnish foods, and you'll learn five essential words for Finnish sweets and desserts. We’ve hand-picked these words just for you! You can find a complete list of vocabulary at FinnishPod101.com.
Becky: Päivi, what’s our first word?
Päivi: Jäätelö.
Becky: Ice cream.
Päivi: (slow) Jäätelö. (regular) Jäätelö.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat after Päivi.
Päivi: Jäätelö.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Finns consume a lot of ice cream—more than ten liters per person per year! Vanilla-flavored ice cream is a traditional favorite because you can add whatever toppings you like. Vanilla ice cream with fresh strawberries is a great dessert in the summertime.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Kesä on jäätelömyynnin sesonkia.
Becky: Summer is the high season for ice cream sales.
Päivi: (slow) Kesä on jäätelömyynnin sesonkia.
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word?
Päivi: Lakritsi.
Becky: Black licorice
Päivi: (slow) Lakritsi. (regular) Lakritsi.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat:
Päivi: Lakritsi.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Black licorice is a confectionery that people either love or strongly dislike. It contains the extract of the licorice plant, creating a bold, distinctive taste.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Lakritsi sisältää vehnäjauhoa, joten se ei sovi gluteeniherkille.
Becky: Black licorice contains wheat flour, so it’s not suitable for gluten-sensitive people.
Päivi: (slow) Lakritsi sisältää vehnäjauhoa, joten se ei sovi gluteeniherkille.
Becky: Okay, what’s our next word?
Päivi: Täytekakku.
Becky: Gateau, or cake
Päivi: (slow) Täytekakku. (regular) Täytekakku.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat after Päivi.
Päivi: Täytekakku.
[pause - 5 sec.]
The Finnish gateau is a cake made with layers of sponge cake and berries, fruit or jam, and it’s usually frosted with whipped cream. It’s a must-have for weddings, and is also a traditional treat for birthday parties and other festive occasions.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Nykyään lasten syntymäpäivillä on useammin jäätelöä kuin täytekakkua.
Becky: Nowadays, ice cream is served more often at children's birthday parties than gateau.
Päivi: (slow) Nykyään lasten syntymäpäivillä on useammin jäätelöä kuin täytekakkua.
Becky: Okay, what’s the next word?
Päivi: Pannukakku.
Becky: Pancake
Päivi: (slow) Pannukakku. (regular) Pannukakku.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat:
Päivi: Pannukakku.
[pause - 5 sec.]
A Finnish pancake is different from, say, American pancakes. It’s baked in the oven on a jelly roll pan and contains no leavening agent, so it comes out flat. After baking, it’s cut into individually sized pieces and eaten with jam and possibly whipped cream or ice cream.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Pannukakku sisältää maitoa, munia, vehnäjauhoja ja mahdollisesti vähän rasvaa.
Becky: Finnish pancakes contain milk, eggs, wheat flour and possibly a little fat.
Päivi: (slow) Pannukakku sisältää maitoa, munia, vehnäjauhoja ja mahdollisesti vähän rasvaa.
Becky: Okay, what’s the last word?
Päivi: Korvapuusti.
Becky: Cinnamon roll
Päivi: (slow) Korvapuusti. (regular) Korvapuusti.
Becky: Listeners, please repeat our last word.
Päivi: Korvapuusti.
[pause - 5 sec.]
Finnish cinnamon roll dough is rolled flat and then covered with a thin layer of butter along with sprinkled sugar, cinnamon, and raisins. Then it’s rolled up and cut into pieces. Unlike American cinnamon rolls, the pieces are baked so that the cut edges face the sides of the pan, instead of facing up and down.
Becky: Now let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Päivi: (normal) Joistakin kahviloista saa valtavia korvapuusteja.
Becky: Some cafeterias have huge cinnamon rolls.
Päivi: (slow) Joistakin kahviloista saa valtavia korvapuusteja.
Becky: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Päivi will give you the Finnish word. Please say the English translation out loud! Are you ready?
Päivi: Jäätelö.
[pause]Becky: Ice cream
Päivi: Lakritsi.
[pause]Becky: Black licorice
Päivi: Täytekakku.
[pause]Becky: Gateau
Päivi: Pannukakku.
[pause]Becky: Pancake
Päivi: Korvapuusti.
[pause]Becky: Cinnamon roll


Becky: There you have it—five sweets and desserts in Finland! We have more vocabulary lists available at FinnishPod101.com, so be sure to check them out. Thanks everyone, and we’ll see you next time!
Päivi: Hei hei!

